it ain’t pretty

I’ve been writing. And if you think it looks like me at a pretty desk with birds singing and my children skipping, I’m here to tell you IT AIN’T PRETTY. ?

It takes time and soul searching and an inner dialogue that can be downright exhausting.

But it’s worth it. I learn more about myself and my God and life makes a sliver more of sense afterwards.

I wanted to share this this morning because I don’t want to appear like I have it all together. Social media might make it look that way… but none of us do. My house was a mess yesterday and today it is clean because MY MOM CLEANED IT for me. I’m 40 years old, and I locked myself in my daughters room and sang and worshipped and wrote all day while my mom cleaned up my messes. ? YEP.

His mercies are new every morning, my friends. So take a few deep breaths with me. Let’s have a moment of silence for yesterday… and let’s sing a new song today.

Our coffee cups might still be teetering on the edge of yesterday’s battle, but this is a new day!!! And God is GOOD.

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