someone turned 40

the fun continues, and we keep checking to make sure this isn’t a dream. (like literally, thanks hudson felsman)

we miss our husbands, our sweet kids, our people. but the REST. the REFLECTION. the LAUGHTER ? the non existent schedule…they are freeing and repairing our wind tattered souls and reminding us who we are.

allowing ourselves this time wasn’t easy either. we had to fight for it, mostly against ourselves. as excited as we were to getaway, there was a voice whispering to cancel because of ALL the things. because it’s selfish. because married women go on family vacations and getaways with their precious husbands, not their gal pals.

but the fact is we needed this. and oddly enough, for ALL the same reasons we should have stayed home.

so here’s to our last few days of soul repair. I’m pretty sure we will all return giggling and ready to hug the crap out of this world and our people. ???

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