Tuesday February 4 – Progress

Derek’s making progress… So thank you for praying. It’s more two steps forward, one step back, but we’re headed in the right direction. His breathing is getting stronger every day, but there are many other issues the doctors are working to resolve. 

Please be praying he can overcome this high and relentless fever. It’s good to know his body is fighting, but the fever has been with us from day 1…so we believe there is still something we’re missing. I realize we’re not sharing many details on his condition, but to be honest, those details change by the hour. It’s a roller coaster really…and the ride is exhausting. So don’t worry about the details, we can barely keep up ourselves. 

Every day I’m singing some of Derek’s favorite worship songs to him…with the help of an iPod …because I clearly didn’t get that “gift”…lol. It really seems to calm his soul when he’s having a rough moment. I’m hoping he’s grabbing onto those words and finding that same strength and comfort they brought to him before all this. Derek loves worship…loves raising his arms unashamed to his God…and I believe God is using music to carry us both thru this. Every morning I’m blaring praise music as I get ready…finding strength for whatever this day holds…and praising god for another day of LIFE and BREATH. It’s such a gift. 

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