we love rage

After baby Rage was born, I came home to a very cute and peculiar sign. It was hung on the wall above our television. 

It read…”we love rage”. 

rage’s room — still under construction…
we’ve hung the sign in the window for now.

A few words we never thought we’d put together. But as the sign reads, we do LOVE Rage. He’s the sweetest little man and ironically dons the name that the dictionary describes as intense anger. I always smirk a little inside when someone asks me his name… because I know in a few seconds that person will inevitably crinkle their forehead and ask me to tell them again. They obviously couldn’t have heard me right…[ha]. 

My baby is growing fast, a little too fast for this momma. I haven’t been keeping up posting his stats very well… so this post will be all encompassing 🙂 

height: 21″ 56%ile | weight: 7lbs 14oz 56%ile

height: 22″  | weight: 8lbs 15oz 

enjoying his stay at the Hyatt
while Daddy is under the knife

hmmmm…I wonder if anyone’s noticed
how dashing I am in this tie?

i’ve got my eye on you…


height: 22.5″ 26%ile | weight: 13lbs 67%ile

chunky monkey

white sox man


I’m not sad…I promise.
I’m just well fed and oober relaxed.

being stylish in clothes from auntie jenny

And here’s some brotherly love…can you say melt my heart? 
And please don’t mind the piles of laundry in the background…this is REAL life baby 🙂

practicing his kickboxing

brother love 

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  1. I enjoy reading your blog! I had a lot of catching up to do. I miss those sweet babies~Love

  2. We miss YOU! I just added a follow by email box to my blog…add your name 🙂

  3. Ok great, I just added my email!

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