couldn’t see the forest for the trees

I’m inspired by the hope of Spring

What is it that is overwhelming your vantage point today? For me it’s BILLS, lots and lots of them. My messy, imperfect home. And a few of my failures — the ways I always seem to fall short. The ways I wish I could be better.

This pretty bloom reminded me this morning of perspective. Perspective is a powerful thing. We can either look up at the mountains and giants that tower before us, or stand on the rock that is our faith and look them straight in the eye.

It’s good to remind ourselves of our TRUE perspective, which is where we stand in Christ. That is what turns the table on the piles of laundry and failure. When we remember the God that is FOR us, who has our back and is working for our GOOD — well, that changes things.


What lens are you looking at your life thru? What is filling the picture frame of your today? WHERE ARE YOUR EYES? Sometimes we zoom in on the failure, the trouble, the imperfections and that’s all we see, and we end up living life defeated.

So what is it that fills the soul? How can we live full and free and victorious when the weight of our troubles and hurts are HEAVY?

This reminded me of what I recently read in 2 Chronicles 20. This is when King Hezekiah found an army descending upon him and his people, one that they could not fight against and win. The circumstances were impossible. Death was knocking at their door. So what did Hezekiah do?

He turned his face to God and cried out in faith…to GOD…the one “who will hear us and save us.” In 2Ch 20:12 King Hezekiah says,

“We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you.”

Our eyes are on you. Such beautiful words. Ones I seem to come back to over and over. Where are your eyes this morning? And where are mine?

Sometimes it takes a walk thru the wet grass and the beauty of nature and new yellow blooms to remind me that there is more to life than trouble. There is a God who SEES us and wants to walk thru the trouble with us. We just have to open our eyes and look to Him.

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