Youth Group Babies

Derek and I are youth group leaders at our church, so we always have lots of fun and crazy events we help host or lead.  In the pictures below we were having sort of mini olympics this summer. We had a bouncy boxing ring, a tug of war (below), and a giant tricycle race. 
It’s fun being part of the youth group and getting to know all of the kids.  And I love the idea that our kiddos are growing up in the midst of it all…getting to know the high schoolers and enjoy all of the craziness that goes along with it.  It’s such a blessing! 
Derek and I also both have weekly bible studies that we lead with our own small groups of boys & girls.  The group of girls I have are just amazing.  They are so young but are so mature spiritually…which is rare for that age.  We have our facebook group where we post prayer requests and funny comments or pictures…and today I had knee surgery and got texts from some of the girls telling me they’re praying of me and will be thinking of me.  What thoughtful kids!  I just love these girls and am so thankful that we listened to God’s tug on hearts a year or so ago when we were feeling called to get involved.  Yeah, it would be much much easier to stay home on Sunday nights and during the week when we have our teen studies…but there’s so much blessing in the hard.  And it’s not “hard” anyway…it’s actually made my life better if you ask me :)

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