Friday Feb. 21 – Still waiting this out

I see a lot of improvements in Derek. He’s able to move around without a walker now and is actually eating a little. Most days we’re even dressing him in regular clothes (comfy ones of course)…just to help him feel like a human being, not the specimen of a medical project. We were hoping for the doctors to stroll in and tell us they’d be sending us home soon during their rounds today, but that didn’t happen. I guess there’s a chance another infection is brewing; so here we sit, just waiting this out.

We’ll continue to keep you posted. Please keep praying! God hears you and is answering. We’ve been told quite a few times that Derek shouldn’t have made it thru…and it’s completely a miracle and answer to your prayers that we’ve come this far. This situation makes Paul’s words in Philippians 1:19 real to us …”for I know that thru your prayers and the help given by the Spirit of Jesus Christ, what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance.” We BELIEVE that! 

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